Monday, June 29, 2009

Packing Up My Office

Dan is coming this afternoon to help pack up and take home the personal possessions I have collected in my office since starting this job in January 2003. I have been taking things home gradually, so it is looking really bare.

It was very hard to take down the collage of grandbabies photos on my door, but I'll find places at home to create more. All that is left are all the binders containing my projects and tasks. I'm the queen of binders. If I get more than two or three pieces of paper on a project, I create a binder for it. I have two more bookshelves in my office than most people in this building because of my thing for binders.

Someone asked if I was feeling nervous about retiring. It seemed like a strange thing to ask. Excited and relieved more accurately describes how I feel. I know it won't really sink in for several weeks that I don't have a job anymore. People have said I will get bored, which might happen, but I don't think so for quite awhile.

I have turned in my keys, my CSU Stanislaus email address will close tomorrow, and my parking permit runs out July 1, so the ties are slowly being cut. I will miss my boss and coworkers, but otherwise, I feel no regrets about starting this new phase in my life. (Ha! Next blog will be about how Dan feels about it :>)!

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