Friday, August 28, 2009

27th Wedding Anniversary

Everyone said it wouldn't last. In 1980, when Dan and I met in a divorce adjustment class at the local community college in Denver, all the other participants sat back and shook their heads when we hit it off so well. Had to flame out in a few weeks, if not days, they said. Well, over the years there have been a lot of flareups, but somehow we are still together. Today is our 27th wedding anniversary. We always say it's working because the universe put us together to save two other people who could have ended up with us. Also, now we sleep in separate rooms because we both snore.

I wish we could live long enough to celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary, but we most likely won't make that. If we did, the kids would have to spoon the cake and ice cream into our mouths and wipe the dribble off our chins. They'd have to keep reminding us who we are and probably who they are. Maybe one of these times, I will throw an anniversary party and just pretend it's our 50th. Dan says it seems that long anyway.

So here's to that woman of the 1980's (me) who called and asked that cute guy out all those years ago and to the guy who accepted (Dan), blithely unaware of what he was getting into.

I love you, my hunny! Happy anniversary.


  1. LOL! Congrats!!!!!! Have a great day and weekend!

  2. Congratulations to both of you on this momentous occasion!


  3. You asked Dan out? You forward person, you.
