Sunday, December 23, 2012

My Little Black Book

I once had a little black book. I started it when I was working in a particularly nasty, thankless job. It was a job, ironically, that I was good at; a fact that locked me into it for 13 long, stress filled years. My little black book was not the kind with lovers’ phone numbers or anything, but a record of who I considered black-hearted people. People in the book had intentionally hurt or disappointed me or were rude or difficult. They were people who held power over me, people I couldn’t directly combat. The book was a way to handle my anger and feelings of helplessness. Since I tend to hold a grudge, the book helped me to reset and move on.

A few friends who were aware of my book warned me to stop recording stuff like that because the very essence of the book would hurt me in the long run. But, at the time, it was a means for me to put the actions of these black-hearted people away, so I could stop thinking about what they did. It moved the hurt from my heart and mind and onto the pages of the book for the Universe to deal with in time. Among my friends, it became a joke to say, “Uh-oh, that will go in Connie’s book,” or “Oh, don’t do that! You will end up in Connie’s book!”

I didn’t review the book unless I was making a new entry. There were no consequences to those who were recorded in the book. I didn’t stick pins in them or do any other voodoo type rituals to hurt them. However, if they repeated themselves, they would get a check mark next to their name. Some people ended up with a page all to themselves because they were repeat offenders. And, there were people who actually qualified to be in my black book who never got in it because I wasn’t done with them yet. I wasn’t ready to let go of the hurt. I was still angry with them and didn’t see a way of ever getting over their transgressions against me.

Eventually, when I was finally moved out of the nasty job, I got rid of the book. I looked through it one last time, giving thanks that for the most part, I would never have to deal with those people again. I tore each page into tiny pieces and flushed them down the toilet. I tossed the cover of the book into a dumpster.

To this day, there is only one person who was in the book, who if they cross my mind, I feel a wave of rage against. Same for one person who never made the book, against whom I still hold a grudge. Two people who devalued me and over-powered me. Two people still causing damage to my psyche because I was helpless to fight them.